Adopt a stove now!

Who is the Foundation Adopt a Stove?

The Adopt the Stove Foundation was born out of a project between Dutch and Indian students finding solutions to Indoor Air Pollution in India under the guidance of Dutch entrepreneurs. The project was initiated by the ´Fortis´ Bank and ´Better Future´, a Dutch advising, training and coaching social entrepreneurs. This ´Future Leaders Program´ aims to guide engaged youngster to a future as leaders in social entrepreneurship.

Accompanied by the ´Chula Design´ from the Dutch Multinational Philips, the young leaders and experiences entrepreneurs faced a difficult task. With the assistance of the local NGO ´The Erin Foundation´ they were to find a way to provide as many families as possible, living in rural areas, with a greener and durable manner of living with the innovative stove. Most of all, their aim was guided by the mission to prevent women and children dying from the Indoor Air Pollution produced by the traditional stoves. Soon the ´Adopt a Stove Foundation´ was called to life, as it became evident that the starting up phase of the project could not be financed by the prices families could afford to buy these stoves for. Next to the infeasibility of affording the stoves for the rural families, the high costs would also delay the implementation phase drastically. This is why the Foundation would allow half of the stoves to be sponsored by donors who share the ideals of the foundation.

The students a.k.a. ´Future Leaders´

Enthusiastically involved in this project were: Jesse Bobeldijk, Fransesca Vitagliano, Akash Kaul, Syed Saqib Hussain en Kellie Liket

The ´Business Leaders´ and the board of the ´Adopt a Stove Foundation´:

Jan Gerritse, Entrepreneur
Joost Kruizinga, Commercial Director Fortis Bank Rotterdam
Michel Barth, Partner Better Future
Frans van Seumeren, Entrepreneur

The local NGO – ´The Erin Foundation´

The Indian partner-organisation ´The Erin Foundation´ is located in Bangalore, India:
Mr. Sai Prakash
Mr. Raghavendra
Mr. Yuvraj Kadur
Mr. G M Sheikh

Volunteering their time, the team enthusiastically works on this project. A special thanks goes out to the initiatives of the ´Business Leaders´ Jan and Joost. Moreover, the projects thanks it existence to the voluntary contributions of the notary, bank, accountant, webdesigner and Better Future.

Above all, the donors allow the Foundation to realize its mission. Therefore, most of its thanks go out to all those people who help and support her: THANK YOU!

May 21, 2009: Website is online!